Opr.; Wmk 12; A = perf. K 12; B = imperforated
Set, Issue date: 30.11.1982
Picture descriptions:
aaw) Chap, Ching
aax) Pi Nok, Pi Nai
aay) That Klong, Taphon
aaz) Mong Khong, Krap
aba) Khong Wong Yai (big Gong)
abb) Khong Wong Lek (small Gong)
abc) Ranat Ek
abd) Ranat Thum
1023 A 50 S multicolored aaw / 3,000,000 pieces
1024 A 1 B multicolored aax / 1,000,000 pieces
1025 A 1.25 B multicolored aay / 3,000,000 pieces
1026 A 1.50 B multicolored aaz / 1,000,000 pieces
1027 A 6 B multicolored aba / 1,000,000 pieces
1028 A 7 B multicolored abb / 1,000,000 pieces
1029 A 8 B multicolored abc / 1,000,000 pieces
1030 A 9 B multicolored abd / 1,000,000 pieces
Quantity MiNo. 1023A and 1025A: each 3.000.000 pieces
Quantity MiNo. 1024A, 1026A-1030A: each 1.000.000 pieces
Designer: Miss Niramol Ruangsom (Fine Arts Department)
Printer: John Waddington of Kirkstall Ltd., England
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated set
Issue Notice: