Vol. 6 Thai Postal Stationery and Booklet Catalog 2017
Pages: 350
Cover: Ring Binding
Weight: approx. 1500g
From the contents:
-Section 1: Postcards
-Section 2A: Prepaid maximum cards and postcards
-Section 2B: Panda Cards
-Section 2C: Postage Prepaid Postcards
-Part 3: Letter Cards/ Letter Sheets
-Part 4: Encelops, Formula, Regular, Registered and Money Order
-Part 5: Aerogramms
-Part 6: International Reply Coupons
-Part 7: Booklets
-Part 8: Bibliography
Introduction by the author:
This TPH volume is the first effort in many years to compile a listing of postal stationery issued by Siam / Thailand. lt is natural that it is based on prior works, but much new material is also presented. Much work remains to be done, and many questions remain to be answered. If anyone can add information to this work, please contact me so it can be added to future revisions. This fourth edition is my third effort to produce this catalog using color illustrations. I realize that the color is not top quality, but it is the best that can be done with current technology when producing a publication in a small quantity.
NOTE: Some of the illustrations are computer-generated graphics and may differ from issued items in minor details. I hope this publication will generate more interest in the collection of postal stationery items, so that a future edition can be printed with higher quality illustrations. l hope the illustrations used here will allow for proper identification of most postal stationery items.