Odr.; (1x5); perf. K 13 1/4
KB(I), Issue Date: 01.04.2017
Picture descriptions:
ekw) Famous images of König Bhumibol Aduljadej
3632 9 B multicolored ekw
Dimensions: approx. 172 mm x 30 mm
Quantity: unknown
Designer: Mr. Udorn Niyamthum (Thailand Post)
Printing: Thai British Security Printing, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "CANCELLED (G)" Small Sheet with 5 stamps
Issue Notice:
- This stamp in honor of the deceased king with the dimensions of 172x30mm is the longest stamp in the world (as of today)
- The stamp was already sold out, according to Thailand Post, before the issue day by pre-orders from Thai-People worldwide!