Odr. (5x4 and 2x2); perf. K 14:14 1/2
Sheet, Issue date: 1.10.2009
Picture descriptions:
dif) emblem emits rays, contour map, globe, man with cellphone
2836 3 B multicolored dif
Quantity BO(I): 50,000 pieces
Designer: Sumatnant Dhierasiddhangkura (Thailand Post Company Limited)
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Stamp Sheet with 20 Stamps
Issue Notice:
- For this issue a Block of 4 miniature sheet was first time issued. The issued Quantity was 50,000 pieces. The issue was made "unnoticed" to the staff at National communications facilities and participants in the Commission.
- Between 2009 and 2015 only very, very few copies on the market have emerged and procurement is extremely costly and difficult!