Opr.; (3x3); A = perf. K 13 1/4; B = imperforated
Maximum Cards, date of issue: 25.10.2017
Picture descriptions:
ewo-ewx) Different portraits of King Bhumibol
ewy) urn
ewz) sedan chair
exa) ceremonial carriage
exc) Cremation site
3664 A 9 B multicolored ewo
3665 A 9 B multicolored ewp
3666 A 9 B multicolored ewr
3667 A 9 B multicolored ews
3668 A 9 B multicolored etc
3669 A 9 B multicolored ewu
3670 A 9 B multicolored etc
3671 A 9 B multicolored etc
3672 A 9 B multicolored ewx
Quantity MC: 10,000 pieces
Designer: Thailand Post
Printier: Thai British Security Printing, Bangkok
Conservation status:
Here as a Set Maximum Cards with perforated Set and first day postmark
Issue Notice:
- The small sheet with MiNo. 3664A-3672A, KB(I), was also issued as a imperforated version on cardstock paper, (B359). Quantity 1000 pieces