Visakhapuja Day 2021: Flowers in Buddha´s Biography (384) (MNH)

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MiNo. 3880A - 3883A (Souvenir Sheet 384) Thailand
Opr. (2x5); A = perf. K 13:13 1/4; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, date of issue: 19.05.2021
Picture descriptions:
etx-eua) Sacred flowers from Buddhism
etx) Dok Kum Nam (Crateva religiosa G.Forst.)
ety) Dok Bua (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)
etz) Dok Bunnag (Mesua Ferra L.)
eua) Dok Parichart (Erythrina variegate L.)
3880 A  3 B multicolored etx
3881 A  3 B multicolored ety
3882 A  3 B multicolored etz
3883 A  3 B multicolored eua
Souvenir Sheet issue wiuth MiNo. 3880A-3883A
Souvenir Sheet 384 (130 mm x 95 mm) euzb
Quantity: 100,000 pieces
Designer: Mr. Udorn Niyomthum (Thailand Post)
Printer: Cartor Security Printing, France

Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice:
  • A variety of notable flowers has been written about throughout the life of Lord Buddha:
  • Dok Kum Nam (Crateva religiosa G.Forst.): During the Buddha era, Lord Buddha took a funeral cloth to wash, and then said, 'Where can I hang this cloth?'. With great faith, the tree spirits of the Kum tree lowered its branches for His Majesty to dry the cloth conveniently.
  • Dok Bua (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.): Phra Nang Siri Mahamaya dreamt she saw a Lotus flower when Prince Siddhartha entered her womb. When he was born, the Prince took seven steps, each with a Lotus flower popping up to support his feet.
  • Dok Bunnag (Mesua Ferra L.): The Triptaka, or Pall Canon, has documented the blossom of the Bunnag tree to be a meritful flower for Buddhist worship.
  • Dok Parichart, or Dok Thong Lang (Erythrina variegate L.): After Lord Buddha visited his mother in heaven, His Majesty brought back the Parichart tree to earth. Once he reached nirvana, the spirit angels offered Dok Parichart as their token of worship.

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