YB, Issue Date: 06.05.1969
MiNo. 541 - 542 First meeting of the National Assembly after the entry into force of the new constitution of June 20, 1968
MiNo. 543 50 years of the International Labor Organization (ILO)
MiNo. 544 - 547 Classical dances
MiNo. 548 - 551 International letter week
MiNo. 552 United Nations Day
MiNo. 553 2nd ITC Conference (International Tin Council), Bangkok - Promotion of Tin Export
MiNo. 554 - 557 Ceremonies and folk customs of the Thai people tribe
MiNo. 558 50 years of air transport in Thailand
MiNo. 559 - 562 Ancient folk customs: Nang-Yai shadow games
Quantity: not exactly known. Less than 1,000 pieces
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT HINGED (*)" yearbook (all stamps are hinged in the book) - on the occasion of the "UPU Executive Council Meeting" in Berne from 6- NMai 1970
Issue Notice:
- All stamp issues of the Thai Post of the year 1969 *** from MiNo. 541 - 562 *** in an official yearbook on 20 pages.
- The Yearbooks of the Thai Post always contain only the normal set´s and normal issues. No Souvenir Sheets, miniature sheets, printouts, etc.
- Due to the paper used and partly improper storage, stains and kinks occur in the individual pages, especially in the older yearbooks. The stamps are, however, not affected as a rule.
As a rule, the yearbooks do not contain definitive´s - The yearbook weighs just under 100g.