Odr.; A = perf. K 13
Sheet, Issue date: 1.1.2010
Picture descriptions:
dkg) Tiger
2857 3 B multicolored dkg
Quantity BO(I) RNG: unknown
Designer: Attasart Tularak
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Stamp Sheet with 20 Stamps, Sheet Margin NOT! complete perforated
Issue Notice:
- MiNo. 2857 was issued to accompany the exhibition Stamp BANGKOK 2010, in a miniature sheet together with MiNo. 2166 II, 2223 II, 2356 II, 2423 II 2485, 2638 and 2774 C (post price 499 baht).
- MiNo. 2857 is also included in Souvenir Sheet 319 (see after MiNo. 3384)
- In the same drawing: MiNo. 3387