I = comb. Odr. and screen (4x5), II = Odr.; perf. K 13
Album Sheet, Issue date: 1.1.2012
Picture descriptions:
dxa) Dragon
3162 I 3 B multicolored dxa / comb Odr. and screen printing
3162 II B 3 multicolored dxa / Odr. (1. 1. 2014)
Quantity SB: unknown
Designer: Attasart Tularak
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" single stamp on Album Sheet
Issue Notice:
- MiNr. 3162 II comes from Souvenir Sheet 319; see by MiNo. 3384
- In the same drawing: MiNo. 3389