Opr. and Hfpr. in bronze (2x2); A = perf. K 13 1/4; B = imperforated
KB(I), date of issue: 12/21/2020
Picture descriptions:
ets-ste) Royal insignia
eta) The Great Crown of Victory
etb) The Sword of Victory
etc) The Royal Sceptre
etd) The Royal Fan and Royal Whisk
ete) The Royal Upturned Slippers
3854 A 5 B multicolored eta
3855 A 5 B multicolored etb
3856 A 5 B multicolored etc.
3857 A 5 B multicolored etd
3858 A 5 B multicolored ete
Quantity KB(I): 50,000 pieces
Designer: Mr. Thaneth Ponchaiwong (Thailand Post)
Printer: Joh. Enschede, Netherlands
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Set of small sheets, KB(I), with 10 Set´s
Issue Notice:
- MiNo. 3854A-3858A were printed on paper with a bronze-colored metallic coating.
- Due to the coating, the stamps are extremely sensitive