Opr. (5x2); A = perf. K 13 1/4; B = imperforate
Set, date of issue: 02.04.2022
Picture descriptions:
evu-evx) Dance figures and costumes, emblem
3926 A 3 B multicolored evu
3927 A 3 B multicolored evv
3928 A 5 B multicolored evw
3929 A 5 B multicolored evx
Quantity: 400,000 pieces
Designer: Ms. Mayuree Narknisorn (Thailand Post)
Printer: T.K.S. Technologies Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforate set
Issue Notice:
On December 15, 2021, UNESCO has inscribed "Nora" to be on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The traditional Thai dance has its roots since the 18'h-19'h Buddhist Century Era (SCE).
Its characteristics are aligned with four of UNESCO's Domains of the Convention: Oral traditions and expressions, Performing arts,
Social practices, rituals and festive events, and Traditional craftsmanship. - Nora is a performing art that is popular in Southern Thailand. Its powerful and graceful dance, rooted in fairy tales, legends and folk
literature, is complimented with enchanting music and vocal performance in the Southern dialect, which requires great finesse in delivery
and response. Representing unique local craftsmanship, the costumes are intricately made with colorful beads,
with bird-like wings and tails attached to their waste, as well as long metallic fingernails that curl out from the fingertips.